Shinee Lash Lift Satchets #1 LIFT #2 FIX #3 NOURISH LOTION

by ShineE
$39.00 CAD


New Batch: Manufactured Feb 08/2024

Shinee brand lash lift products. These are restocked regularly for maximum shelf life.

SALE: use code "LIFT" in checkout. Only one code can be used at a time.

Select the following products:

  • Lash Lift #1 Lift Lotion 10x Sachet White 10-15 Minute
  • Lash Lift #2 Fix Lotion 10x Sachet  White 10-15 Minute
  • Lash Lift #3 Nourish Lotion 10x Sachet  Light Brown 3-5 Minute
  • Shinee Lash Lift Glue